To market your organic products in markets outside Europe, an official international label may be mandatory or necessary to be recognised by local consumers.
It can also be useful in facilitating trade by reducing certain administrative procedures. The range of requirements is as wide as the number of countries to which to export!
Therefore, ask your importer about the requirements of the importing country before exporting your products.
They vary from country to country and change over time. You can also find specific information on exporting by country on

Below, you will find an overview of the most in-demand labels:
NOP – the USDA logo
NOP certification is the official certification for organic products in the US.
CERTISYS® also offers access to NOP certification for operators already certified by CERTISYS® for organic farming thanks to a collaboration with Ecocert.
JAS – Japanese Agriculture Standard
You may not use the JAS logo on your products UNLESS your importer in Japan is JAS certified, or you are a JAS certification holder.
More information on the MAFF (Ministery of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) website.
COR – Canadian Organic Regime
Organic products exported to Canada can display the Canadian organic logo.
Find out more on the Canada Organic site.
MAFRA – Organic Korea
There is equivalence between European and Korean organic products. You may therefore export processed organic products to South Korea as long as you respect certain labelling conditions.
You can find more information on the MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) website.
Chinese organic farming

We can put you in touch with ECOCERT China to obtain the Chinese organic certification required for the export of any organic product to China.
More information on the Chinese organic standard GB/T 19630-2019
LPO: Ley de los Productos Organicos

We can put you in touch with ECOCERT Mexico. The audit will be carried out by a CERTISYS auditor and the certification by ECOCERT Mexico.
There is no equivalence agreement between the LPO and other organic regulations. Meaning that LPO certification is required to export organic products to Mexico.