Since the entry into force of the European Regulation in 1993, the designation ‘organic farming’ has become an officially protected designation. Anyone wishing to use it to qualify their production must submit it to an audit to obtain certification. The audit and certification must be carried out by an independent authority or body approved by Member States.
In order to carry out our organic auditing and certification activities, we must be approved by the public authorities, i.e. the Regional Ministries of Agriculture.
In order to carry out our activity, we have to be approved by the public authorities, i.e. the regional ministries for agriculture.

For which countries are we accredited?
Belgium (BE-BIO-O1) for the three Regions
BE-BIO-01 CERTISYS: Each auditing body has a European code starting with the first two letters of the country where the organic audit took place. The presence of this code on the packaging of a product attests to its compliance with organic production standards and serves as proof of its official certification.
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (LU-BIO-06)

As well as being approved by the public authorities, CERTISYS is accredited as an inspection and certification body to ISO 17065 by the Belgian accreditation body BELAC (under the responsibility of the Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy).
Furthermore, CERTISYS, like all auditing bodies, acts under the supervision of the competent authorities. We are therefore evolving in a system that is established by the law.
The Competent Authorities verify that CERTISYS operates properly and visit our organic businesses to verify the audits we have carried out, and BELAC audits CERTISYS to assess whether accredited activities comply with ISO 17065. In particular, it verifies our independence, impartiality and the technical skills of our staff.